A unique service offering, couple’s intensives provide deep and personally meaningful change.
It is not a workshop.
It is not a therapy session.
It is a private retreat designed to move you and your partner through the equivalent of six months of counseling in just a few days.
Couple’s intensives are most helpful for couples in acute distress, those whose time commitments prevent attending weekly sessions, and those who need an immediate shift in their relationship patterns.
Intensives are tailored to meet your specific relationship needs. The standard length is 2 ½ – 3 days. A 4-day intensive is available for couples who can afford the time, or who are especially distressed. Many couples report they go home more connected and more in love than they ever imagined possible.
- Couples in crisis often need results quickly, and an intensive format helps you make progress faster. In a few days, you will spend the focused attention and receive the professional guidance that normally takes five to six months for couples in traditional weekly therapy to achieve.
- It is easier to take a few days completely off of work than to try to get away for a few hours each week for traditional weekly therapy sessions.
- The retreat setting allows you to leave the everyday stresses behind and truly focus on your relationship without other distractions such as work, kids, life responsibilities or family obligations.
- Chesapeake Bay’s East Beach is a beautiful getaway! Not only will you have focused therapy sessions, but you will also enjoy strategically built-in breaks that allow you time together for rest and rejuvenation.
- Traveling to a couple’s therapist may allow for greater anonymity for couples who are prominent members of the community or who live in smaller towns.
- A Dedicated Timespan to Create Change — Time spent away from daily stress, to focus on just you and your relationship. The committed timespan allows clarity and change to emerge more strongly and deeply than in week-to-week counseling sessions. This intensive approach supports you to get rapid and profound results.
- Take Home Relationship Tools – Couples often report how traditional talk therapy and counseling did not help. What they needed was new tools. Weekly sessions and the conventional model of couples therapy typically cannot provide these tools. The Intensive’s emphasis is to learn a powerful set of tools to make positive changes. You will get results-oriented, versatile and highly effective coaching. And you will take home new tools that will keep you growing on a positive track.
- Intensive Couple’s Therapy Retreats vs Couple’s Workshops – In an intensive couples’ counseling retreat, all the time and attention is devoted to you, your partner and your specific issues. We will have 12 hours or more of specific, focused therapy tailored to your individual relationship. Privacy and anonymity are paramount; there is no group therapy during your stay with us. The goal is to help you resolve the issues that brought you to us and to help you move forward. A Couple’s Workshop, is a group setting where skills are taught. There is no personalization. They are valuable experiences. However, for couples experiencing extreme distress, Couple’s Intensives are the best option.
- Located in Coastal East Beach, a 10 minute drive from Norfolk International Airport and a 20 minute drive to downtown Norfolk. East Beach is on the Chesapeake Bay where the Bay meets the Atlantic Ocean. In just ten minutes you can walk from the beach at the north end of the community to the restaurants and deep water marinas at the south end of the community.